

Here are recommendations outlined for U of M in Anderson sex abuse report

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(WSYM) — In the wake of their investigation into decades of abuse by Dr. Robert Anderson at the University of Michigan, the WilmerHale law firm has issued a series of recommendations that the school should implement.

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The firm says that they recognize the school has taken "significant" steps to improve its response to reports of sexual misconduct, these steps should be taken to "prevent, identify, investigate, and respond to the kind of misconduct in which Dr. Anderson engaged."

They recommend that the school:

  • Enhance its training programs to promote a culture of awareness and reporting;
  • Enhance resources, training, and policies relating to sensitive examinations;
  • Assess how individual departments respond to sexual misconduct issues to increase their accountability;
  • Enhance certain diligence procedures to ensure that concerning information about physicians is adequately investigated;
  • Improve communication and coordination between and among OIE, DPSS, and the Prosecutor’s Office; and
  • Ensure that OIE has sufficient resources to carry out its important responsibilities.

For their part, in a statement provided in response to the report, U of M says they will "thoughtfully and diligently review and assess the report’s findings."