NewsNationalDemocracy 2018


Michigan voters will vote on voting rights in Proposal 3 on Tuesday

Posted at 5:57 PM, Nov 06, 2018
and last updated 2018-11-06 17:59:08-05

Michigan voters will vote on their voting rights as part of Proposal 3.

Proposal 3 would add eight policies to Michigan's Constitution:

• Ensuring the right to a secret ballot
• Ensuring overseas voters receive a ballot 45 days before Election Day
• Allowing voters to register to vote by mail 15 days before Election Day 
• Allowing voters to register to vote in person on Election Day 
• Allowing a straight-ticket voting option
• Setting up automatic voter registration
• Allowing absentee voting for any reason
• And setting up an election audit

Those in favor of the proposal say its goal is pretty simple.

"Proposal 3 is really about reducing barriers to voting and increasing security in our election system," said Todd Cook, campaign manager for Promote the Vote.

Many of those policies are already in place but, if the proposal passes, they would become part of Michigan's Constitution.

"There are a couple things they left with that sound good. The issue of protecting military and overseas voters, getting them here in time, and your right to a secret ballot. Those are already in law. Those are already things that are protected," said Tony Daunt, of the Michigan Freedom Fund.

Opponents of the measure call it an administrative nightmare, saying it will open the door to voter fraud.

"If you think the lines are long now, wait till we turn the polling precincts into registration spots and it's a gateway to fraud. I think it doesn't belong in the Constitution," Daunt said.

Proponents don't see long lines as being an issue due to voter registration.

"It hasn't been decided if this passed how it would be implemented. You could have people go to the clerk's office and register there. We're not anticipating huge numbers of people registering that day," said Judy Karandjeff, president of League of Women Voters of Michigan.

"You have to do so in person before an elections official with access to the qualified voter file and you have to have proof of residency in addition to the regular documentation you would normally have," Cook said.

Cook says Proposal 3 is all about making voting more accessible.

"There are a whole lot of people that need to have a system that works for them to ensure that their voices are heard in the ballot box."