LANSING, Mich. — Elizabeth Michalski hasn't seen her younger brother since the mid 1970s. It's left her with a void that's not easy to fill.
As she celebrates her birthday this month, she has one wish.
“My biggest wish for my birthday would be just to have my brother and just to hug him and let him know that I never gave up looking, and I will look until the day I die,” Michalski said.
The last time Michalski saw her brother Gilbert was in 1975. He was just two at the time.

Although the two siblings didn’t share the same father, Michalski said, there was an instant connection.
“All I remember was he was cute,” she said. “He was cute and he had this big head of hair.”
Somewhere down the line, Michalski’s mom lost custody of Gilbert.
Decades later, Michalski has managed to hold onto photos of her younger brother and his birth certificate. She’s searched for him for years, but had no luck. However, she did stumble across information that may link Gilbert to Lansing.

“Last I was told by aunt is all she remembers because she keeps up with him, is that he was adopted by a wealthy family in the Lansing area,” Michalski said.
Now, she it turning to the public to help her in her search.
“Anyone knows of him, please get the message to him or have him reach out to me,” she said. “I’m not that hard to find. I just want my brother.”
If you know of Gilbert’s whereabouts, you can contact Michalski, by email, at