LANSING, Mich. — Michigan is seeing some of its highest COVID-19 numbers in nearly three months.
Ingham County's increase in COVID-19 cases has upgraded it to be considered an area of substantial COVID transmission. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommend residents in areas of high or substantial transmission wear masks in public indoor areas, regardless of vaccination status.
On Tuesday the Ingham County Health Department (ICHD) reported 234 new cases up from 203 new cases last week. The county also has 620 active COVID cases and 29 confirmed hospitalizations. Additionally, the department reported some concerning news; new COVID-19 cases are hitting younger demographics. About 30% of cases are among residents age 20 to 29 and the second highest case counts are among young people age 10 to 19.
"Reported deaths [are] 382 we have had no new deaths reported to us in the last week," said Ingham County Health Officer, Linda Vail during a press conference Tuesday.
Michigan's state health department reported a total of 2,720 new COVID cases between last Saturday and Monday this week with a new daily average of 906 cases. That's an increase of about 150 cases per day from a week ago.
COVID-19 testing is also up with 23,000 tests completed per day last week. Percent positivity increased to 6.58% which is the highest percentage since May 9.
ICHD reports that vaccinations have ticked up slightly, which Vail attributes to public concern over the COVID-19 variants.
"The biggest thing is we're seeing a surge in cases which I think people didn't expect to see. The idea of hospitals being full, children being in the hospital, children being seriously ill-- I'm going to hazard a guess that that's probably the biggest thing," Vail said.
The mid-Michigan Department of Health is also tracking a rise in cases.

- Clinton County---27 new cases; rolling average increased to 9 per day.
- Eaton County-- 61 new cases; rolling average increased to 18 per day.
- Calhoun County--44 new cases; rolling average of 23 per day.
- Jackson County--50 new cases; rolling average of 33 per day.
Local health officials continue to encourage mid-Michiganders to get vaccinated and practice healthy habits like washing their hands and staying home if they're feeling sick.
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