EAST LANSING, Mich. — East Lansing's deer cull has been completed. has completed their professional deer cull, killing 79 deer and donating around 2,400 pounds of venison to the Greater Lansing Food Bank.
Over the course of four nights over the past four weeks, United States Department of Agriculture Wildlife Services biologists removed a total of 79 deer from East Lansing’s parks.
The cull was meant to address deer overpopulation in the city, which has resulted in deer-human conflicts, including about 40 deer-vehicle accidents per year.
With the completion of these operations, there will no longer be closures in East Lansing’s parks on intermittent weekday nights for the remainder of the winter.
The city will continue to measure the outcome from the deer removal by gathering feedback from residents and monitoring deer herds and deer vehicle accidents.
For additional information about the city’s deer management efforts to date, community members can visit https://www.cityofeastlansing.com/231/Deer-Management [cityofeastlansing.com].
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