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Teens gather to help unhoused during frigid temps

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  • Temperatures hit low teens on Thursday, making things even harder for Lansing's unhoused population.
  • With that thought in mind, a group of local teens gathered to help.
  • Watch video above to see how our teen neighbors provided some well needed help.

Every unhoused person in Lansing has a story.
“I first became homeless in 2015 and that was my first time at a shelter,” said James Blunt.

Blunt ,who said since getting out of prison, he hasn't had the support to get back on his feet.

“People may ask me why are I am homeless, I feel I am homeless because my family rejected me,” Blunt said.

With frigid temperatures hitting low teens on Thursday, help for Blunt and others like him, came in the form of recent high school graduates.

“We got a couple boxes of chips, couple pizzas, a big thing of water,” said 18-year-old Taylor Banks.

Banks, 19-year-old Kalisha Piran and three of their other friends camped outside the Holy Cross and gave all of that away to the unhoused.

“It makes me feel bad seeing them like this because I have been homeless before,” Piran said. “I don't like to see it, I don't want to see it, so if I could do more, I would but this is all I am able to do right now, so it feels good."

The teens were able to feed about 50 unhoused people and they're encouraging others to do the same.

“I think we could do better as a community and we should,” Banks said.