LANSING, Mich. — Family and friends of Lansing business owner John Sears are grieving after he died in a motorcycle Crash on Feb. 14. in Mexico.

“It’s just devastating,” said Sears’ friend Jason Kildea. “It’s hard to believe that someone I considered a good friend is no longer here.”
Sears, 41, was visiting Mexico when the crash happened. He leaves behind a mother, two kids and a demolition business, SC Environmental Services, which was like his third baby.
“John saw opportunities, where others didn’t,” said Sears’ friend Nick Koster. “That applied to places, like the communities built in REO Town, and people. He found talent in people others didn’t see. John made a big part of the value he created was through salvaging and recycling.”
Sears owned his business for more than a decade and was able to work all over Michigan and employ hundreds of people. However, through his success, he remained humble, his friends said.
“He did build a multi-million dollar business and figure out how to do it, but if you’d sit down next to John in a bar and get to meet him, you'd be like he’s just any other guy who’s down to earth,” Kildea said.
Friends and family say Sears’ positivity will never be forgotten and although he’s gone, they’re going to continue to send him love.
“I’ll tell him I love him,” Koster said. “I’ll tell him that I’m a better off because I met him and I am very proud to have known him. I hope that I can try and carry on with a little of everything I do.”
Sears’ mother, Terry Sears, said her son “was a man of a few words, but managed to connect with many people.”
Sears funeral will be held Thursday at the Church of the Resurrection in Lansing.
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