LANSING, Mich. — An incorrect copy of a tax bill mailed out, caused a lot of confusion for resident Stan Shuck.

The copy of the bill had the wrong address and the amount.
“The first thing I noticed was the increase because it was more than what I should be paying for my lot with a garage on it,” Shuck said. So I was concerned with the increase”

Through some digging we found out Shuck wasn't the only Lansing resident who received an inaccurate copy of their tax bill, early 16,000 did.
“I certainly don't see how you could do almost 16,000 mistakes and not catch it,” Shuck said.
So whats the root of the problem? The city tell us there was printing error with the outside vendor, that prints the tax bills. They say the issue primarily impacted taxpayers who have their mortgage companies pay their taxes on their behalf. Mortgage companies pull tax data directly from the tax database.
They also tell us they've been working closely with the vendor to get the issue fixed, and will be mailing out accurate tax bills to those residents impacted.
The city said residents can view their correct tax bills here.