- Educators say students could lose up to 20% of what they learned in the previous school year over Summer .
- Watch video above to see how the Lansing School District is making sure students are prepared for the new school.
You could say 7-year- old Zora has lived her best life this Summer, spending time in nature, hours at the park and unforgettable memories on the beach.

“We try and do different activities over the Summer with her when we can,” said Zora’s mom Jill Dombrowski.
Dombrowski said while making sure Zora has fun over the summer, she also tries to make sure Zora retains what she learned in the previous school year by encouraging reading, but other subjects can be challenging.
“The math is our most concern that she may not retain everything she go through last year,” Dombrowski said.
“20% of what they actually learn in that previous grade level is what they could forget over the Summer,” said Heather Guerra.
Guerra is one of three Directors of Instruction with the Lansing school district. She said the district focuses on summer literacy resources for students, and then strives on developing a back to school curriculum that focuses on review.
“We really try and give them a real review of what they learned in the previous school year,” Guerra said.
As district officials work to prepare the classrooms for students, parents like Jill are sending a message top their kids ahead of the first day of school on Aug. 21.
“I know you could do it, you're a super smart kid and I know it would be hard learning new things, but you could do it!” Dombrowski said.