- According to Lansing Police, crime in Lansing is down.
- LPD says fatal Shootings are down by 20%, non-fatal shootings are down by 11.5%, robberies are down by 27% and auto thefts are down by 16%.
- Watch video above to see how officials and neighbors are responding to the data.
Heart break and crime tape fills the area of North Grand River and west willow after a Monday night shooting, that left a 21-year-old man in critical condition.
“My kid was upstairs sleeping and got up to all of the nonsense,” one neighbor said.
Authorities said when they got to the scene they located the man in a car, with a gun shot wound to the head. Since then, police said they've identified 5 suspects, ages ranging from 19 to 35.
“The charges, we're currently looking at is assault with intent murder, illegal weapon possessions and assisting in a crime,” said Lansing Police Chief Rob Backus.
But despite the shooting, officials said crime in the city is down.

“In the past 12 months, we have a had 20% reduction in the fatal shootings, 11% in non fatal shootings and a 32 decrease in overall shots fired,” Backus said.
Backus, credits the reduction to things like partnerships with local groups, improvement in technology and increasing resources within department.
“We started putting in more rescuers to our non fatal shootings,” Backus said. “We know if we don't solve those shootings there could be more shootings stemming from retaliation.”