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ANTLER VS. ANTLERLESS HUNTING: What you need to know

Posted at 7:38 PM, Nov 29, 2023
and last updated 2023-11-29 19:38:11-05
  • Rifle season comes to a close Nov. 30
  • Michigan DNR stresses the importance of antler vs. antlerless hunting
  • Since 2000, the number of hunters has dropped by a quarter-million, and over the next 10-15 years, the DNR says the number of hunters will drop again due to aging out

(The following is a transcription of the full broadcast story)

Nov. 30 marks the end of rifle season... and while many of our neighbors hunted for that trophy buck this season.. antlerless deer remain a problem here in mid-Michigan. I got to talk to an expert about why that is.

"The trend that we're seeing here in Michigan and actually a lot of other states is the decline in hunter numbers," said Stewart.

DNR Deer, Elk and Moose Specialist Chad Stewart says the hunting population is aging out.

In 2000, Michigan's hunting numbers surpassed 800,000. But this year, that number stands close to 550,000. 10 to 15 years from now... Stewart expects it to drop even more.

And with those numbers going down, deer numbers are going up.

"We're asking fewer and fewer hunters in many instances to take more and more white-tail deer to keep those numbers in balance, and we're falling short on that," said Stewart.

And local authorities say that can be a problem for drivers.

"Look ditch bank to ditch bank, because that's where they're going to come from. Just scan for them that might be entering the road way, and then the biggest thing is if you're going to hit a deer, please don't swerve." said Undersheriff of Clinton County Sheriff's Office, Mike Gute.

Another problem in curbing the deer population is the idea of antler versus antler-less hunting.

"The emphasis is starting to shift to increasing effort and emphasis on antler-less deer or female deer who are going to be contributing to next year's population through fawn growth," said Stewart.

Stewart says that currently the ratio in Michigan stands at about 7 antler-less deer to every 10 antlered deer. Where as in other states, the ratio is completely reversed.

"Michigan needs to catch up with that, because that's where we are falling behind in our deer management," said Stewart.

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