- After a mass shooting at Logan Square, the City of Lansing entered a legal battle with the location's owners.
- The legal battle led to a settlement agreement, that went into effect in September of 2023.
- Watch video above to see if Logan Square's owners have kept their end of the bargain in that agreement.
A crippling reputation at Logan Square remains. For years, the location has accumulated its fair share of crime, including a mass shooting last year, that injured 5 young victims.

The shooting, prompted a legal battle between the City of Lansing and the owners of Logan Square, Logan Capitol LLC, which then ultimately led to a two year settlement agreement.
“Back in 2023, we were very clear that if either side should not meet the agreements,” it would be brought back to court,” said councilman Adam Hussain.
Some of the stipulations laid out in the settlement include, beefing up security cameras, hiring an on-site security guard and making sure there's a strong collaboration with Lansing Police.
"The question becomes are they abiding by this settlement agreement? I would say no. Others may say yes. But for me its a no,” Hussain said.
After hearing that response from Hussain, we went to Logan Square, where we ran into Bill Mcclain, a security guard at Logan Square who gave us a different perspective. He said since being hired six months ago, the owners have worked to make the location safer.

“It's more vigilant here, more cameras and you can't just come here and horseplay around any more,”Mcclain said. “If you aren't shopping, you gotta leave.”
We reached out to Logan Capitol LLC, but did not hear anything back.
We also reached out to the city and they provided us with a statement saying "The City of Lansing and Logan Capital entered into a settlement last September and that is still in effect. If any evidence of violations to that settlement occur, the City Attorney's office would review them and work to correct them in an appropriate manner."