Your risk of injuries increases if you mix energy drinks with alcoholic beverages, that’s according to a new study out of Canada.
When you drink alcohol, it typically makes you tired and you head home to bed. But when you combine alcoholic drinks with energy drinks, you’re now wide awake because of the high levels of caffeine. You don’t feel the full effects of alcohol, so you stay up later and tend to drink more.
Canadian researchers looked at 13 studies and found combining these drinks increased your risk for falls, car accidents, fights and acts of violence. Sadly for some people it lead to attempted suicide. The researchers were not able to statistically determine the extent of the risk and more research is needed to confirm the findings.
Partha’s RX
1. Drink responsibly. The Dietary Guidelines for Americans outlines 1 drink per day for women and 2 drinks per day for men.
2. Do not “save up” the total number of drinks you’re allowed per week and consume them all at once. That’s called binge drinking and it’s very unhealthy.
3. Alcohol is a depressant so don’t drink if you’re not in a positive frame of mind. It can worsen your mood and increase anger.
4. Never drink and drive. Bring a designated driver with you or get a loved one or taxi to pick you up.
Caffeine in energy drinks ranges between 80 milligrams and 200 milligrams per serving. They also contain a lot of sugar. Too much caffeine can cause anxiety and increased blood pressure. My advice is to not mix energy drinks with alcohol due to the potential health consequences.