
Sparrow Clinton Hospital Auxiliary selects leaders for upcoming year


Members of the Sparrow Clinton Hospital Auxiliary have named officers and leaders for the coming year.

Outgoing President Angie Beals was honored during a recent meeting for her service as co-president from 2015-17. Beals also presented Sparrow Clinton Hospital Vice President and Chief Financial Officer Mark Brisboe with a check for $20,000, which goes toward the Auxiliary’s $100,000 pledge to fund construction of the hospital’s Emergency Services Department. The renovated Department is about to celebrate its third anniversary of providing timely access to emergency and trauma care.

Shelley Redman was announced as the 2017 Auxilian of the Year. Redman received special recognition from her peers for her dedication to volunteer leadership and service through Auxiliary projects, as well as her service and leadership with the Michigan Association of Hospital Advocates South West District.

Co-presidents for the current year are Brianna Hardaker and Kim Kellogg. Other incoming officers include Roxanne Wilkins, co-president elect; Diane Zuker, recording secretary; Darice Duckworth, treasurer; Redman, fundraising committee chair; Shelley Gunther, corresponding secretary; and Gay Baker, historian.

Executive board members for 2016-18 are Kay Devereaux, Karen Gillespie, and Alice Kus. Executive board members for 2017-19 are Jan Kelley, Carol Keys, and Nancy McKinley.

The Sparrow Clinton Hospital Auxiliary’s mission is to promote the goals and objectives of Sparrow Clinton Hospital through service to the hospital and its Patients and support of hospital Caregivers.

The Sparrow Clinton Hospital Auxiliary breaks for the summer and reconvenes in September. New members are welcome. To learn more about the Auxiliary, call Shelley Gunther at 989.224.6137.

Photo captions: (From front left) Sparrow Clinton Hospital Auxiliary members Kim Kellogg, Roxanne Wilkins, Darice Duckworth, Shelley Gunther, Shelley Redman, and (back left) Gay Baker, Kay Devereaux, Karen Gillespie, Alice Kus, Jan Kelley, Carol Keys, Nancy McKinley, and Nancy Mino celebrated their installation as officers with SCH Vice President & CFO Mark Brisboe and SCH Board of Directors Vice Chair Kerry Sheen (back center).

Former Sparrow Clinton Hospital Auxilian of the Year Gay Baker (left) and SCH Vice President & CFO Mark Brisboe present Shelley Redman (center) with the 2017 SCH Auxilian of the Year Award. Redman was selected by her peers for her outstanding leadership and dedication to the group.

Former Sparrow Clinton Hospital Auxiliary co-president Angie Beals presents a $20,000 donation to Sparrow Clinton Hospital Vice President & Chief Financial Officer Mark Brisboe. The check goes toward the Auxiliary’s $100,000 pledge to fund construction of the hospital’s Emergency Services Department.