
Sparrow a successful hospital at registering Patients for unique clinical trial


Sparrow is one of the most successful hospitals in the country at registering Patients for a unique clinical trial that uses genetic test results to match Patients to a targeted cancer drug.

The trial is aimed at attacking cancer at the molecular genetics level of a tumor and could lead to new standard care protocols for all Patients for years to come. It represents a personalized medicine approach that is increasingly used to provide care for individuals and their unique specific needs.

Michigan was one of the first states in the country to participate in the trial, the first organized by the American Society of Clinical Oncology.

Sparrow’s efforts are led by hematologist Gordan Srkalovic, M.D., of the Sparrow Cancer Center. Dr. Srkalovic discussed the trial with reporters today and was joined by one of the participants, Marlene Parker, 83, of Mason.

Eligible participants include those with an advanced solid tumor, multiple myeloma or B cell non-Hodgkin lymphoma who are no longer benefitting from standard treatments or for whom no acceptable standard treatment is available.

The Sparrow Cancer Center has been providing incredible cancer care to the mid-Michigan region for more than 50 years. Look for the new Herbert-Herman Cancer Center in 2017. Go to for more information.