

Giant inflatable heart marks start of Heart Awareness Month


What: Here’s your chance to walk through a giant inflatable heart and show your audience and readers how it works. For February’s Heart Awareness Month, Sparrow is hosting a variety of activities, including the MEGA Heart. Walk through a model of the heart and learn all about how your heart beats and why taking care of it is so important. Besides that, we have free blood pressure and cholesterol screenings, we’re promoting this week’s Wear Red Day, and you’ll see a new shade of Sparrow as our building turns red in commemoration of the month. A Sparrow cardiologist will be on hand to discuss heart healthy tips, plus a representative of the American Heart Association will be available for interviews about local activities.

Where: West end of main lobby of Sparrow Hospital, 1215 E. Michigan Avenue, Lansing. A Marketing Department representative will meet you there.

When: Thursday, Feb. 1, 10 a.m.

Additional information: Any reporter or media wishing to attend the event should contact John Foren, Director of Media and Public Relations, at 517.364.8093 or 517.256.1743.