

Enjoy our Expressions of the Season campaign!

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Sparrow will once again display posters and flyers that recognize our rich variety of seasonal holidays.  This season presents a wonderful opportunity to gain a deeper understanding and appreciation of what the holidays mean to our Caregivers, Patients and families. See how many cultural icons you are familiar with; and if time permits, learn about the traditions and customs that may be unfamiliar to you. 

There are several ways to learn about traditions and cultural recognitions, including visiting websites that explain the significance of the season and engaging in conversations with others whose celebrations and traditions may be culturally different than yours.  By exploring other cultures through tradition, we enhance ability to effectively communicate and interact with those from other cultures, an important benefit for all of us who work with the community.

The holiday season brings about many emotions and expectations formed, among other things, by religious beliefs, family, life experiences and cultural identity.  As a result it provides us with yet another opportunity to be respectful of the beliefs and traditions of others, including those who may choose to not celebrate or recognize any holidays or customs.

Season’s Greetings and Happy Holidays!