

Carson Foundation provides incentives for students in elementary school's 100 Mile Club


CARSON CITY, MI – The Carson Foundation stepped up to assist the Central Montcalm Elementary 100 Mile Club with a donation that will finance fitness incentives to participating students.

Participation in the 100 Mile Club improves school readiness to learn, creates better educational outcomes, builds self-esteem, and improves overall health.

The donation of $360 to the 100 Mile Club will provide each child with incentives for every 25 miles they complete. Each day, students can run, jog, or walk before school and during recess, and their laps will be recorded. Students will receive a free T-shirt after completing the first 25 miles, pencils for 50 miles, a wristband for 75 miles, and a certificate of achievement along with a gold medal for completing 100 miles.

“It’s so important for children to understand the value of being healthy. Finding fun techniques to encourage kids will affect them in ways they may not be fully aware of, like boosting their confidence and overall cognition. We’re happy to be able to support efforts such as these at Central Montcalm Elementary,” says Carson Foundation Executive Director Shelly Weaver.