MERIDIAN TOWNSHIP, Mich. — Preschool children will buddy up with bugs and animals of all types this summer at the Harris Nature Center, 3998 Van Atta Road on July 9th-12th and July 16th-19th at 9 am to 12 pm. These four-day Nature Camps have a fee of $65 and all campers will receive a camp tee shirt. For more information, contact or 517.349.3866.
“Curious 4 and 5 year olds love exploring in nature,” said Senior Park Naturalist Kati Adams, “so we spend most of our camp time outside doing just that!”
Participants will enjoy nature activities, games, walks, crafts and stories, as well as meeting live animals. Camp themes vary. Bug Buddies will focus on insects and other invertebrates while Wild about Animals will be all about animals. These four-day Nature Camps will be repeated later in the summer. Registration for all nature camps is ongoing.
The Harris Nature Center is also holding two-day Nature Camps for preschoolers during the summer. Please call or check the Meridian Township website for the dates, themes and fees of these camps.
For more information about this and other programs offered at the Harris Nature Center, contact 517.349.3866 or and find out more online at and and
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