Experimental Aircraft Association Chapter 55 will host MASON AVIATION DAY on Saturday, August 19th.
There will be an “All-U-Can-Eat” Pancake Breakfast (served with eggs, sausage, juice & coffee) from 7:30am to 11:00am. This will be followed with a Grilled Steak Lunch from noon until 2:00pm. (Pork BBQ, Brats, and Hot Dogs will also be available.)
Helicopter rides; New Standard Bi-Plane rides and Airplane rides will be available at various costs (weather permitting).
Many homebuilt, antique, warbird and general aviation aircraft are expected to fly in throughout the day. In addition, the Michigan Jamboree of Model "T"s will be cruising in with up to 100 Ford Model Ts.
Lansing Community College Aviation Technology Center will be hosting an Open House in conjunction with our event and will be providing tours of their facility. This will afford visitors an excellent opportunity to see the facility and learn about the LCC educational program.
EAA Chapter 55 invites all to come out to the Mason-Jewett Airport at the corner of Kipp Road & Eden Road in Mason for a fun day of food and planes, planes, planes.
For more info, contact Pat 517-565-3178 or vickie@eaa55.org or visit www.eaa55.org