

Interurban Car #29 moving to the Lost Railway Museum


In Michigan, the interurban railway system had a relatively brief life, as most lines ran from the end of the 19th. century until only the mid-1920s. However, during that relatively short span the interurban served as a very valuable link between cities such as Jackson and suburbs like Grass Lake. Ultimately becoming The Lost Railway, the interurban thrived only until doomed by the far greater convenience of automobiles.

On Saturday, September 30, 2017 at 9:00 am Car #29 will begin its journey from the Village of Grass Lake’s Department of Public Works barn along Michigan Ave. until reaching the Lost Railway Museum at 142 W. Michigan Ave. Grass Lake, MI. Car #29 will join Car #47 already in the museum.

In preparation for the moving of Car #29 trucks (wheels) and for Car #29 itself, we need to rearrange the entire museum. The museum will be closed Sept. 27th and Sept. 28th to allow us proper time to make those arrangements.

The Lost Railway Museum is looking for assistance to raise $25,000 to make all the necessary arrangements and preparations to have Car #29 sandblasted, have the trucks (wheels) painted and so much more. If you are interested is being part of this historic move, let us know as soon as possible.

Come out and be one of the few who’ve seen a trolley passing down Michigan Avenue! Please visit Michigan’s newest museum for a tour back in railway history.