LANSING, Mich. — The Insurance Alliance of Michigan is urging parents of teenage drivers to talk to them about safety behind the wheel. The period between Memorial Day and Labor Day, when kids are out of school, is known as the “100 Deadliest Days” because of a spike in fatal car crashes involving teen drivers.
“Summer is full of newfound freedom and adventure, especially for teenage drivers, which is why we encourage parents to talk to their teens about safe driving behavior,” said Tricia Kinley, executive director of the Insurance Alliance of Michigan. “Teenagers are 17% more likely to be involved in a fatal car accident in the summer than any other time of the year and we don’t want a single Michigan teenager to be a part of that statistic.”
According to data released by AAA, 28% of teen drivers got into an accident because they were speeding, 17% were the result of underage drinking and 9% were due to distracted driving. In fact, one in six teens involved in fatal car accidents in the summer tested positive for alcohol in their systems, even though it’s illegal for them to drink.
IAM offers the following tips to parents and guardians of teen drivers:
- Supervise your teen's driving
- Set driving rules and limits by having a teen/parent contract
- Talk to your teen about distracted driving
- Choose vehicles for safety, not image
- Lead by example and follow the rules of the road, which include:
- Wear your seat belt
- Don't speed
- Avoid talking on a cell phone and texting while driving
- Don't drive while under the influence of alcohol
“Nearly half of teenage drivers who took part in a recent survey said they text and drive, which underscores the importance of talking to young drivers about distracted driving and leading by example,” Kinley said.
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