
Donations make boy scout troop whole again

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Members of local Boy Scout Troop 111 are overwhelmed.

"It's been amazing,” Scoutmaster of Troop 111 Alan Wright said. “I'm ecstatic about it.”

"I really don't have a lot of words for it,” Quartermaster of Troop 111 Shawn Short said. “I just feel thankful."

Because troop 111 is almost ready to go camping for the first time since the trailer carrying all of their equipment was stolen from this church parking lot. Some equipment, including the trailer, was eventually recovered. But the scouts were still out thousands of dollars. Until donations started pouring in.

"We were getting donations from all over the country, all over the state," Wright said.

They've received an estimated $10,000 in cash and equipment.

“To get that much,” Short said. “We expected some but, it was like I said, kind of shocking how much we got.”

The amount of support they received was so great they actually took their donations page down.

"It was getting to the point where it was just... too much really," Wright said.

The next step is making sure the trailer won't be stolen again.

“We have new security for it,” Wright said. “A tongue lock, wheel locks and we're also going to have a shed so not everything is inside the trailer."

They're planning a camping trip this month once they finish up their shopping list.

"I'm hoping it's a lot warmer than it is today- but we do have enough equipment to get it going again," Wright said.

Something they say they couldn't have done without the community.