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Stuff the Bus & Provide Holiday Cheer

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LANSING, Mich. — In order to spread holiday cheer to EVE (End Violent Encounters) and the Capital Area Humane Society, members of JCI Lansing plan to stuff a bus full of clothes, toys, household goods and pet supplies with support from the greater Lansing community.

‘Stuff the Bus’ will take place Saturday, Dec. 7th from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. at the West Lansing Wal-Mart & PetSmart, located at 409 N. Marketplace Blvd in Lansing.

The annual JCI Lansing event provides local shoppers with the opportunity to help stuff a CATA bus with clothes, coats, household necessities and toys to benefit local children and their families at EVE, and pet supplies for animals awaiting adoption at the Capital Area Humane Society.

“Stuff the Bus is a wonderful program we are able to put on each year,” said Kristin Rhine, project chair of this year’s event. “This year we chose to partner with EVE and CAHS and we are excited to be able to expand our reach to our furry friends in our community.”

EVE (End Violent Encounters) is a local shelter providing supportive services to survivors of domestic and sexual violence, stalking and elder abuse. Capital Area Humane Society houses up to 400 animals awaiting adoption and serves as a public spay & neuter clinic.

“Stuff the Bus continues to show the generosity of the Lansing area community every year,” said JCI Lansing’s 91st President Nicole Perry. “I’m excited to partner with these two organizations this season, as we believe they have a significant impact to help with different needs in our community.”

For more information on Stuff the Bus, find JCI Lansing on Facebook, @LansingJaycees on Twitter, or visit:

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