LANSING, Mich. — Two area churches are celebrating a yearlong partnership that aimed to bridge the racial divide through worship and the arts. A hot dog/bratwurst/ice cream lunch will be served. The event is offered free-of-charge and is open to the public. Children’s activities include face painting, balloon animals and bounce houses. All attendees will have the opportunity to participate in creating a graffiti prayer wall.
Multiple art workshops led by Artist in Residence Steve Prince were previously held to engage members of both church congregations to share their cultural differences. The art created will be unveiled and used to produce large scale wood cut prints by a steamroller every half our throughout the event. Steve Prince designed t-shirts also will be printed on site and distributed to guests while supplies last.
The project was made possible through a Vital Worship Grant from the Calvin Institute of Christian Worship, Grand Rapids, Michigan, with funds provided by Lilly Endowment Inc.
If you come in between 11am-1pm, you can see local celebrities operating a paving roller and making art! Hundreds of people, a lot of local ministers, twp officials, people from Grand Rapids, etc. First Presbyterian Church of Holt (517)694-8151
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