

MSU junior wins grand prize at entrepreneurship competition


MSU junior Hew Hamilton won the $1,000 grand prize at February’s Hatching event, a monthly pitch competition that gives entrepreneurs the chance to share new ideas.

Hamilton, an applied engineering sciences major with an entrepreneurship minor, pitched a company he created called Giggot, which provides a way for performing artists to connect with the community. The service will function as an app and online service, making it easier for people to book artists for events.

Inspiration for the app stems from Hamilton’s belief that empowering artists can break down barriers between artists and their local communities. He now plans to further the development of Giggot, using his prize money for app development and market research.

When asked about the benefits of MSU’s entrepreneurship program Hamilton said, “It’s beneficial because it opens your eyes to all the resources at State and in Lansing for entrepreneurs.”

The Hatching, held monthly at Lansing Brewing Company, is sponsored by the Lansing Economic Area Partnership, or LEAP.

The entrepreneurship and innovation minor is open to all undergraduate students at MSU, regardless of their major or the college they are enrolled in.