

MSU hosts "It's On Us" week


MSU is looking to raise awareness of sexual violence and harassment with the "It's On Us" action week which started on Monday.

The University is rolling out new training programs and a bystander intervention program.

Here's a look at some of the events: 

- Tuesday: Screening and panel discussion of "Audrie & Daisy" which looks at the impact of sex assaults at the Business College complex, room N100 at 7 p.m.

- Wednesday: At 7 p.m. the Sexual Violence Advisory Committee is holding an open forum at the MSU Union

- Thursday: Former NFL player Don McPherson will speak on the normalization of sexism and sexual violence in pop culture at the Erickson Kiva at 7 p.m.

- Friday: At 10 a.m., MSU will have it's first student leadership institute on engaging and empowering men to prevent campus sexual violence.

For more details and events, visit theMSU "It's On Us" Facebook page.