
Lansing Catholic High School senior wins Kellogg Center holiday design contest


Maya Davis, a senior at Lansing Catholic High School, was selected as the winner of the Kellogg Hotel and Conference Center’s 24th annual holiday card contest.

Ron Krauss, a visual arts teacher at Lansing Catholic, assigned his students to design a Spartan-themed holiday card after being asked to participate in this year’s contest. Davis’ winning design is a pen and ink drawing of MSU’s campus welcome sign decorated with holiday lights.

Davis’ passion for the visual arts, creative writing and poetry started at a young age. She has taken every art class at Lansing Catholic and is also participating in an art-focused independent study. Davis helped organize a poetry club at her school and has participated in four theater productions with the performing arts program as well.

Outside of school, she interns at Sunset Clay Studio for MSU alumna and Lansing artist Abby Deneau. Davis’ future plans are to attend college and pursue an education in art with a focus on drawing and painting.

“I just want to say how grateful I am to have been chosen, and I want to thank all the people who took part in the decision making process,” Davis said. “Thank you so much for choosing me. I am overwhelmed with gratitude.”

Davis’ design will appear on the Kellogg Center holiday cards that are sent to clientele and community partners.