

Faculty appointed co-editors for TESOL Quarterly


Two Department of Linguistics and Germanic, Slavic, Asian and African Languages faculty members have been appointed co-editors for TESOL Quarterly, the academic journal for the TESOL International Association.

Starting in 2017, Professor Charlene Polio and Assistant Professor Peter De Costa will become associate co-editors of TQ and in 2018 they will fully assume their new roles as co-editors. Their term runs through December 2021.

“I am especially pleased to see two individuals as eminently qualified as Professors Polio and De Costa taking on the position of co-editors,” said TESOL President Dudley Reynolds. “They will be great stewards of the future of our profession.”

Polio, a professor at MSU for more than 20 years, became actively involved in TESOL early in her career, serving as an Interest Section chair and member of the TQ editorial board. She has extensive experience working with pre-service and in-service teachers.

At MSU since 2013, De Costa has been committed to advancing TESOL’s mission for a number of years as an awards reviewer and a member of the Research Professional Council. He contributed to the creation of the guidelines for TESOL’s research mini-grants.

TESOL Quarterly, a refereed professional journal published by TESOL Press and distributed by Wiley, fosters inquiry into English language teaching and learning by providing a forum for TESOL professionals to share their research findings and explore ideas and relationships in the field.