1. Start studying NOW. Before you know it, it will be time to take that first exam and you probably haven't even opened that textbook.
2. Studying with friends does help, as long as you focus. Quiz each other and talk out what you don't understand, it will benefit everyone.
3. Getting enough sleep is important. You may want to stay up late at night cramming but sleeping through your alarm and exam would be way worse than not studying as much.
4. Double check the location and time of your exam. Some exams aren't always in the same room or at the same time as your regular class.
5. Study on the way to an exam. Sometimes reading over a study guide or notes right before an exam helps. Maybe that first question will be about what you just looked over.
6. Always bring extra pencils. Be prepared for something to go wrong, have extra pencils just in case one breaks.
7. Arrive early to an exam. There is no telling how long that bus ride you take to class is going to be. Make sure to leave earlier than usual so you have extra time to get to to the exam and get a good seat.
8. Take your time. There is always that one person who gets up after 10 minutes and hands in their exam. Go at your own pace and make sure you read the entire question and every possible answer.
9. Double check your work. Go back through the exam once you have finished and make sure that you have answered all of the questions.
10. Turn in that exam and walk out with your head held high, you made it through that class. If you have other exams make sure to study for them, if not celebrate that it is finally Christmas break.
Good Luck Spartans!