

Read Gov. Gretchen Whitmer's entire State of the State address

Michigan Republicans also give response to address
and last updated

Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer delivered her second State of the State address Wednesday evening.

She began by saying that her second speech will be short, and will focus on four main topics: roads, education, jobs and health care.

But before getting into the meat of her speech, Whitmer took time to lightheartedly tell viewers that tonight's speech is all about the issues, not what she's wearing. Last year, the governor's blue dress was widely discussed following her first State of the State address.

RELATED: Gov. Whitmer responds to wardrobe criticism in Twitter thread

"I must say, everyone is looking fantastic tonight. But, this year, I want to get one thing straight: This is NOT the red carpet," Whitmer said. "Please, I urge you, focus on the substance of my speech. It’s about issues, not appearances. I don’t care how distracting Senator Shirkey’s outfit is—cut him a break."

One of the major announcements made during Whitmer's speech was a plan to borrow $3.5 billion to rebuild highways and bridges in most needed areas across the state. This announcement was welcomed with applause.

Additionally, Whitmer said that she plans to invest in early literacy by making pre-kindergarten available to children living in areas where there are low test scores or where poverty is high. Better access to childcare is also a focus of Whitmer's next year in office.

The governor focused on health care last, highlighting a need for affordability in the state.

Ronna McDaniel, Republican National Committee chairwoman, responded to Whitmer's speech minutes after saying, "It’s no wonder socialist Democrats on the national level are propping up Governor Whitmer, she’s proposing the same type of socialist policies that will bankrupt Michigan’s future."

Daniel added, "It’s time to stop trying to raise taxes on Michiganders with 45 cent gas taxes, stop increasing our state’s debt by bonding billions of dollars to fix the roads, stop wasting everyone’s time with useless executive task forces, and actually get to work for Michigan families for a change."

A response on behalf Michigan Republicans says that Whitmer "failed" as a first-year governor and Wednesday night's speech was a reminder of that, with "the same empty promises for the future."

"Instead of committing to work with Republicans to find commonsense solutions to Michigan’s problems, Governor Whitmer made it clear that she’ll go it alone without the legislature if they don’t agree with her tax and spend policies." continues the statement from Michigan GOP Chairman Laura Cox. "From her support for impeachment and Medicare-for-all, and her unrealistic roads proposal that raises taxes on hardworking Michiganders – Whitmer has proved that she is no different than the same out-of-touch liberal Democrats determined to sabotage the American dream."

Republicans released a fact-check of Whitmer's address here . The governor also posted fact-checking documents for her own address online here .

You can read the full transcript of Gov. Whitmer's speech below.

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