

Peters: GOP senators' plan to challenge Biden's win is 'incredibly dangerous'

Sen. Gary Peters, D-Michigan was sworn-in to his second term Sunday.
7 UpFront: Democratic Senator Gary Peters discusses his platform ahead of Election Day
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WASHINGTON D.C. — Senator Gary Peters was sworn-in on the Senate floor Sunday, the Michigan Democrat started his second term in office under some unusual circumstances.

For at least a few days, the balance of power is still undecided and partisan tensions are higher than ever.

“We're waiting for the results in Georgia. I'm prepared to work in any fashion to meet any needs so that we have. We don't know if I'll be in the minority again, I've certainly demonstrated over the past six years that I've been able to work in a bipartisan way,” Peters told FOX 17.

Peters spent the majority of his first senate term in the minority but takes pride in his bipartisan record, which he believes, regardless of the outcome in the Georgia runoffs, will be helpful in working on further legislation.

His top priority is to continue and bolster the federal response to COVID-19.

“We have to deal with the public health aspect, make sure the economy is strong and vibrant so we can get out of this pandemic and rebound to the type of world that we all want to get back to as quickly as possible,” Peters said.

Though just weeks ahead of the inauguration, the fight over the 2020 election results continues.

President Donald Trump refuses to concede the race and later this weeka dozen Republican senators plan to challenge President-elect Joe Biden’s win.

Peters says what they are doing is dangerous.

“It’s clear that there is no fraud and yet you have folks that continue to sow mistrust,” Peters said.

“I would hope that my colleagues know better, but I’m very disappointed that they continue to press this narrative which is damaging to our democracy. It's fundamental in a democratic republic that people believe that elections are free and fair, which they were in this election, and to sow mistrust damages our democracy,” Peter said.

“This is an incredibly dangerous thing that these senators are doing,” Peters added.

Though Sen. Peters is hopeful that this term, hyper-partisanship will soon take a back seat to getting things done.

“Now's the time to roll up our sleeves and get to work and accomplish things for the people in the state of Michigan, and for the country,” Peters said.