

Queen to Trump: Don't use our music

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GOP standard bearer Donald Trump entered the stage of the Republican National Convention Monday evening to the anthem of "We Are the Champions" by Queen. It turns out Trump did not get Queen's permission. 

Queen tweeted out Tuesday morning that the RNC did not have its approval to use the song made famous for being played at sporting events. 

"An unauthorized use at the Republican Convention against our wishes," Queen's tweet said. 

Two of the surviving four members of Queen continue to perform with singer Adam Lambert. Lambert also took exception to the song's performance.

"If your politics party spends decades treating gay people as second-class citizens, guess what: You don't get to use Freddie Mercury's music at your convention," he said. 

The song has been performed at other Trump events, including at Trump's victory party on June 7 in New York. 

The following day, guitarist Brian May fired back at Trump. 

"I find it hard to believe that Trump and his organization have been given permission to use this song for his 'identity,'" May wrote on his personal webpage. "This man has done everything he can to insult or dismiss Muslims, Mexicans, women, war heroes, opponents, news media and a long list of specific individuals in our society.

"His approach has basically been as a bully. I cannot see any correlation between the music Queen produced supporting a man who has turned our country upside down. I wouldn't mind if he were concerned about the American people, or those of the world, but his "Championship' is about himself. Period."