The Michigan "Be Counted" campaign to promote filling out the 2020 U.S. Census announced Thursday that hundreds of thousands of households in Michigan still haven't filled out the census ahead of the Sept. 30 deadline.
According to the state, the 320,000 households equate to around 800,000 people who won't be counted if they don't fill out the deadline. That equals to around $2.4 billion lost in federal funding per year over the next 10 years.
It takes around 10 minutes to complete and has just nine questions: name, age, gender, ethnicity, race, number of people in the household, anyone else staying in the house on April 1, 2020, if you own or rent your home and your phone number.
It can be completed online, by phone or by mail, and all information is 100% confidential.
In Detroit, more than 40,000 households haven't filled out the Census yet, according to the data. There are another 25,000 households in Wayne County, and the northern Lower Peninsula has about 30,000 households that haven't filled it out.
Macomb County has about 8,000 households left.
You can fill out the U.S. Census at