
Not a good idea: cooking chicken in thermal features at Yellowstone National Park

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Three men have been punished after they allegedly put whole chickens into a thermal feature in Yellowstone National Park.

It happened on August 7, 2020.

Eric K. Romriell of Idaho was found guilty of violating 36 CFR 7.13(j) Foot travel in thermal area, and 36 CFR 1.5(f) Food in thermal area. He was ordered to pay $1,250 in fines and fees, banned from entering Yellowstone National Park for two years, and placed on unsupervised probation for two years.

Eric D. Roberts and Dallas C. Roberts of Utah were found guilty of violating 36 CFR 7.13(j) Foot travel in thermal area. Both were ordered to serve two days in jail and pay $540 in fines and fees. They were also banned from entering Yellowstone for two years, and placed on unsupervised probation for two years.

Three men sentenced for putting chicken in thermal feature at Yellowstone National Park

The Yellowstone National Park website provides the following information about safety around thermal features:

  • Always walk on boardwalks and designated trails. Keep children close and do not let them run on boardwalks.
  • Do not touch thermal features or runoff.
  • Swimming or soaking in hot springs is prohibited. More than 20 people have died from burns suffered after they entered or fell into Yellowstone’s hot springs.
  • Pets are prohibited in thermal areas.
  • Do not throw objects into hot springs or other hydrothermal features.
  • Toxic gases may accumulate to dangerous levels in some hydrothermal areas. If you begin to feel sick while exploring one of our geyser basins, leave the area immediately.