JACKSON, Mich. — Michigan State Police are looking for 20 young women from Jackson County to participate in this year's Michigan State Police Youth Leadership Academy. Attendance is no cost to the participant and is funded through the Byrne JAG grant. The goal is to partner 14 and 15-year-old females with mentors from local law enforcement agencies to help them learn leadership and mentor skills, while developing their personal character. The five-day program is offering female students a crash course covering various topics including: physical activity, water safety, nutrition, alcohol and drug awareness, gang awareness, domestic violence awareness, first aid, leadership, military drill, and public speaking. The students also tour Michigan State University, the State Capitol, and participate in team building and character-building exercises.
Students will be taken to and from the Michigan State Police Training Academy, in Lansing, beginning Sunday, June 16th to Thursday, June 20th. Upon returning to Jackson, they will perform a community service project followed by a formal graduation ceremony / luncheon with their family, mentors from the MiYLA program, and local officials.
In order to qualify, the female students must reside within Jackson County. It does not matter what school district the students attend. The females must also be at least 14 years of age by June 16, 2019 and no older than 15, by June 20th, 2019.
Those interested should contact Trooper Travis Fletcher at (517) 930-1829 or email him at FletcherT@michigan.gov. for more details.
Deadline for accepting applications is Friday, May 31st 2019.
More information can be found at: https://www.michigan.gov/msp/0,4643,7-123-72297_34040_75044-271969--,00.html