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UAW STRIKE: Assignment Ends for Local GM Temporary Workers


LANSING, Mich. — A UAW union representing workers at the Lansing Grand River Assembly Plant has informed temporary workers that General Motors ended their assignment Friday.

In a letter posted to Facebook, Local 652 leaders said they "never take decisions of this magnitude lightly but with seniority being a top priority in our Local and National agreements, we can not choose to extend the temporary timeline any further while seniority members are laid off."

Union leaders said that the bargaining committee expressed how necessary temporary team members are to run the facility and worked to provide management with options to keep temporary members working.

Leaders said they would explore "every avenue" to keep temporary workers available in the future.

The Lansing Grand River Assembly Plant has not gone on strike as negotiations between the UAW and GM continue. Other Lansing-area plants have gone on strike.

General Motors sent a statement on Friday that said, “Negotiations remain ongoing, and we will continue to work towards finding solutions to address outstanding issues. Our goal remains to reach an agreement that rewards our employees and allows GM to be successful into the future.”