MSU Trustee Mitch Lyons, who called on President Simon to step down several days before she did so, issued a response to her resignation Thursday morning.
"Though too long coming, there's no joy in the Board receiving President Simon's resignation", said Lyons in a statement posted on twitter.
"What it lacked in personal accountability, it accomplished in beginning to take responsibility as an institution and is the next step in the path forward for MSU- for our students, our faculty and our our alumni. My prayer is that we continue to keep the survivors and their well being at the forefront through this process", the statement read.
After weeks of mounting pressure from lawmakers, newspapers, students and alumni, Simon announced her resignation Wednesday night.
"As tragedies are politicized, blame is inevitable. As president, it is only natural that I am the focus of this anger. I understand, and that is why I have limited my personal statements", said Simon in her resignation letter posted on MSU's website.
"Throughout my career, I have worked very hard to put Team MSU first. Throughout my career, I have consistently and persistently spoken and worked on behalf of Team MSU. I have tried to make it not about me. I urge those who have supported my work to understand that I cannot make it about me now. Therefore, I am tendering my resignation as president according to the terms of my employment agreement."