If you ventured out at all yesterday, you may have seen just how bad the road conditions were, but what about the people that have to be on the road as part of their job? Some people's jobs depend on the road even when it is snowing. FOX 47's Marcus Dash had the chance to speak with a few truck drivers about what life is like in those eighteen wheelers on days like today.
Getting from point a to point b in the rain, sleet, or snow is what these few brave drivers have to endure in their line of work.
As trucker, Dan Fenby puts it, on days like today it just adds more time and obstacles to their already long journey.
"We try and brake early. We try and brake way ahead before. We need to just be cautious and being safe trying to stay away from other vehicles," said Fenby.
Staying away from other vehicles isn't as easy as it sounds Truckers Fenby and Robert Lecureux say four-wheel cars are the biggest wildcards on the road in weather like this...
"They are driving too fast they are braking too hard and so they lose control and go off the road," said Fenby.
"They think they're invincible and they are the ones that end up in the ditch slide into somebody causing and starting big wrecks," said Lecureux.
Both Fenby and Lecureux agree that a lot of the accidents they have seen on the roads over the last two days aren't entirely on the drivers- They say its the combination of drivers not knowing how to drive in the snow and roads not being taken care of properly.
"Yesterday they were really bad, cars sliding off all the time. People don't have their headlights on during this time of the year"," said Lecureux.
"The highways the DOT does pretty good but I think they could do even better on it," said Fenby.
Fenby and Lecureux hope Michigan's Department of Transportation will see the dozens of accidents that took place yesterday and today and do a better job of cleaning the highways for the next snowfall. After all the highway is their workplace and they want a safe workplace environment.