

Triple A's resolutions for the road


Many of us use the New Year to make resolutions, whether it's losing weight, exercising more, or spending less money.

Now Triple A is recommending some New Year's resolutions for the road, as drivers hit the streets in 2016.

There were nearly 1,000 traffic deaths on Michigan roads this past year.

The auto club recommends ten resolutions for the road. Some are obvious like resolving to buckle up, to drive drug and alcohol free, and to obey posted speed limits.

Triple A also recommends drivers use a relaxed and positive attitude while on the road, and to exercise tolerance with other drivers.

Another resolution, be a good role model for the next generation of drivers - your kids.

Others on Triple A's list include using signals and headlights properly, watching for pedestrians and motorcycles, and a big one, make sure to drive distraction free.

All of this can help reduce the number of deaths on Michigan roads.