What's normally an every day park ... known as cascades in Jackson.
Took a time warp back to the 1800's ... replicating the Civil War.
"They've got historians speaking throught the day. jacksonburg fashioned after jackson from the civil war era and it was called jacksonburg back them you can wonder through the town there was a ton of stuff going on in jacksonburg:speakers, rallies, all kinds of stuff."
Organizers rely heavily on volunteers to help with future Civil War musters.
Local Boy Scouts and J-ROTC recruits are more than happy to lend a hand.
"We are selling programs, we're selling waters to help raise donations for the civil war muster"
Looking around there's one thing missing ... that's a conferate flag. Organizers say the event is a "neutral one"
To ensure we keep up US history, there were hundreds of reanactors.
Some kids enjoyed the history lessons and others the cannons.
"My husband is an embalming surgeon, represents embalming which began in 1861 and that's one of the first times they were able to embalm the soliders and send them back home"
Nothing will ever bring back the feeling of the Civil War however ... for re-eanactors ... this is about as close as it gets.
"I sat and cried it was so very realistic, thinking when this happened those boys actually didn't get back up and they were sent home in boxes but today is a day of reckoning and they can jump right back up and walk away from it.,"