LANSING, Mich. — The Greater Michigan Construction Academy (GMCA) announces new Board of Directors leadership for 2019. GMCA’s board strives on appointing members that visualize beyond the present, look at the organization as a whole, and make decisions that are in the best interest of the organization.
The Greater Michigan Construction Academy Board of Directors appoints Dan Kozakiewicz to fill the term of Jon Lynch 2021, Justin Trent to fill the term of Jason Johnson 2020, Ronnie Neumann to fill the term of Mike Laundra 2021, and Chad Reed to fill the term of Ken Misiewicz 2020. GMCA thanks the past board members for their service and for assisting in making the academy into what it is today. As far as the newly appointed board members, GMCA, would like to congratulate each and every one of them and extend their gratitude during this time.
With the high demand for craft skill workers, Greater Michigan Construction Academy began its apprenticeship training program in 1983. Currently GMCA trains 11 different trades from plumbing to carpentry. GMCA’s main campuses are located in Lansing, Midland and Saginaw, Michigan. For more information please visit,
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