The fallout from the Larry Nassar scandal is not the only public relations problem Michigan State University is dealing with. Many students are calling on the university to expel a student who made racial slurs on social media. FOX 47's Marcus Dash went down to MSU to find out what students were saying.
"It was pretty crazy seeing something like that, I feel like the school should definitely recognize when something like this going on," said Jamahn Williams.
"I was mad, but it's just like what can I do because MSU isn't going to do anything," Kiara Marshall.
The post that was sent to FOX 47 contained several instances using the n word and talking about bullying using the politically incorrect word for the mentally challenged. Others fired back on social media in a push to get that student kicked out for the posts.
That's when MSU responded. "The university is aware of the recent social media posts connected to an MSU student. As a public institution, we do not get to control what every member of our community says. One of the university's core values is inclusion, to have a campus environment that fosters free speech and the sharing of ideas and beliefs. However, we do not condone racial harassment or bullying."
The student body president Lorenzo Santavicca tells me the university needs to do more.
"We have to realize that this is one of our core values inclusion, diversity, equity, and realizing we have to build that up into a better foundation at MSU," Lorenzo Santavicca.
The topic on campus got many students heated, some calling for the school to expel the student who made the posts.
"Nobody should be that ignorant, this is a diverse campus you should not be that ignorant to think that using that word is okay," Ciara Hamilton.
"Yes, you have free speech, but you have to be sensitive to certain things there's certain stuff you don't say," said Marshall.
FOX 47 reached out to the person who posted those tweets. That student responded with "What i said in these posts is not how I feel, but I know I need to learn how to be more inclusive and respectful to diversity of people and diversity of thought."