

State has $207 million budget surplus


The state has a little more of your money to spend than it expected to have this year.

The annual revenue-estimating conference pegged the surplus as $152 million for the general fund and another $55 million for the school-aid fund.

The state budget director told us lawmakers need to realize that some of that surplus is one-time money and they can't count on having it every year.

"You don't wanna use that one-time money and build it into budgets because that's where you're really going to run into trouble in out year and that's really not fiscally responsible," said Al Pscholka, state budget director.

State economists also told lawmakers to prepare to have less money in the next couple of years.

Between the road-funding deal and a reduced personal property tax businesses pay on equipment, the 2019 budget will have $700 million less to work with.