Sparrow Hospital will be installing a car seat for a local family Thursday morning to highlight the importance of National Child Passenger Safety Week which starts next week.
Federal statistics show an alarming number of kids are not properly restrained in their car seats.
The American Academy of Pediatrics has come out with new recommendations on how the car seat should be placed in the backseat.
Instead of keeping children facing backwards until the second birthday, children should now remain rear-facing for as long as possible until the child no longer fits in that seat position. Studies show rear-facing is the safest way to ride because the head, neck and spine are supported by the seat.
Being a passenger in a car is the number one cause of death in children four and older and the second most important cause in children under four.
An Injury Prevention Coordinator with Sparrow will be providing consumer tips, and discuss Sparrow's work to improve community health.
The event is being held at 10 AM on the top floor of Sparrow Parking Ramp B which is connected to the Sparrow Herbert-Herman Cancer Center located at 1140 E. Michigan Ave.