After investigating numerous reports of vandalism in the Ashford Manor subdivision in Delta Township in August, deputies believe they have identified four teenagers responsible for the acts.
On August 31, deputies with the Eaton County Sheriff’s Office responded to numerous residents reporting vandalism to garage doors, trailers, vehicles and driveways being spray painted with racially offensive words and crude, obscene images.
According to the sheriff’s office, the crimes were intensely investigated by deputies and Det. Rick Buxton and four male suspects, all 17 years old and local residents, were identified.
The suspects were spending the night at a residence near the subdivision where the vandalism occurred, and are believed to have been consuming alcohol prior to the crimes, the sheriff’s office reports.
The investigation determined the spray painting occurred at 15 residences in the early morning hours, and none seemed to be specifically targeted.
“The victims who owned property spray painted with these highly offensive words, symbols and images were very disturbed and disgusted by these outrageous acts along with many other people, including myself,” Sheriff Tom Reich said in a statement. “Identifying these suspects so they could be charged and held accountable was a priority.”
The investigation report is being submitted to the Eaton County Prosecutor’s Office for their review and determination of possible criminal charges.