If your birthday is within the next six months, you might want to think about renewing your vehicle registration fee before the end of the year. Vehicle Registration fees are going up in Michigan on January 1, 2017 by 20-percent.
The increase is part of the $1.2 billion road funding package signed into law by Governor Rick Snyder in November of 2015. It includes a hike of vehicle registration costs for passenger vehicles and commercial trucks by 20% along with an increase of the state gas tax by 7.3 cents. Those who own electric or hybrid vehicles will pay even more.
The cost of registration tabs is based on the value of the vehicle and the year. The average cost currently is about $120.00. A driver who paid $100 registration fee this year would pay an extra $20 dollars in 2017. However, anyone who has a birthday within the next six months can renew their tabs now before the end of the year to pay the lower price. For more information, contact the Secretary of State's Office.
To estimate a registration fee: https://services2.sos.state.mi.us/RegistrationFeeLookup/