"I was completely and utterly shocked,” The Scout Master for Troop 111, Alan Wright said. “It was a boy scout trailer in a church parking lot who would do something like that?"
Thursday morning a large trailer packed with $20,000 worth of equipment was sitting in the parking lot of a Lansing church- until a thief came and cut the lock.
"It just amazed us when we saw the lock had been cut off and thrown aside,” Alan said. “I just couldn't understand it. I couldn't fathom it at all."
The Eaton County Sheriff's Office recovered tents, tarps and cooking supplies, Wednesday morning.
"Somebody from Eaton County Road Commission noticed a whole bunch of equipment and gear stacked along one of the roads and called the sheriff's department," Alan said.
And Eaton County Sheriff isn't the only one who's recovered the scouts’ stolen equipment.
"The trailer was actually recovered in Portland,” Alan said. “The thieves attempted to sell it to someone who recognized it and turned it into the police there."
Supplies are turning up now- but Alan says he's still missing $1,000’s worth of equipment
"It looks like the large metal poles that hold up the dining fly are gone,” Alan said. “But you know at least we have the canvases and things like that."
And Alan says he's hopeful the rest will be found.
"I was just excited that some of the stuff has turned back up," Alan said.
Portland Police do have a person of interest in the case. They ask if you see any suspicious-looking Boy Scout equipment to contact the local authorities.