Bimal Magar has been charged with one count of felonious assault in the stabbing of another man.
Magar, 22, was arraigned on felonious assault charges on Wednesday in 54-A District Court.
His bail is set at $5,000 cash/surety, according to police.
Magar is scheduled for a probable cause hearing at 1:30 p.m. Jan. 3.
Magar and the victim, who had a minor cut wound to the stomach, are related.
They were in an apartment and began arguing, which then turned physical. Magar is said to have cut the victim with a knife during the fight, according to the Lansing Police Department.
Officers arrested Magar and took him to the Lansing Police Detention facility.
A person is in custody after a stabbing on Richwood Street.
Lansing police say that two men got into an argument when the stabbing happened.
Both are expected to be okay.