

Ormond Park hearing continues, testimonies discuss possible environmental repercussions

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Only two more witnesses testified on Monday at the Ormond Park hearing and their opinions seemed to go head-to-head about what a road could do to the esker that sits between Ormond Park and Groesbeck golf course.

An esker is a ridge that's been left from a glacier. It's full of rocks and sediments that make it a fantastic groundwater filter, which is part of why the Friends of Ormond Park want to protect it:

"This is our legacy," claims Peter Wood, a member of the Friends of Ormond Park group. "It's our geographical legacy of the way the land was thousands of years ago, and of course it can't all be preserved and it wasn't but we have a sensibility now about the legacies that we receive that they're worth preserving as such."

The city agrees that eskers should be protected, but says this particular location was mined and no longer carries the significance it did before hand.

"We would contend, and there isn't any proof contrary that there is no unique, rare resource involved in this area," states Joseph Abood, the city's attorney in this hearing. "It's essentially black foundry sand that's filled in the gravel pit."

For that reason, the city asked the judge for a directed verdict on Monday.

That means judge James Jamo can let the hearing continue and possibly go to trial, or side with the city and end the injunction immediately.

Still, both sides are confident in their argument so far:

"Our side is presenting that we have presented enough evidence and enough strength in our case that it's worthy of going forward," Wood says.